Volume Transaction Concepts

Sentinel RMS provides licensing schemes (such as trial licensing and network licensing) to control application and feature usage. However, these schemes allow you to only limit the number of users who can use these features and up to which date. Using volume transaction licensing, you can limit and track the number of times a feature is used and implement your own logic for managing these limits, such as how many units a licensed feature will consume, when to generate an alert, or how to increment the limit; and so on.

Licensing Limits

Using the volume transaction licensing, you can set the following type of limits:

>Transactions: The number of transactions or operations that a user is allowed to perform.

>Duration: A time-based limit up to which a user can use the licensed feature/application.

>Context Data: In addition to the above mentioned limits, you can set context data for a license. The context data refers to any string data up to 255 characters. You can use it in multiple ways. For example, you can store the license hash values as context data to differentiate between licenses having same feature names and versions. Alternatively you may save the calendar date on which you wish to invoke the alerts.

These limits are helpful in the following scenarios when you can implement volume transaction licensing:

>For high volume transactions (such as involving thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of transactions), you can set the consumable limits for using the available licenses dynamically.

>To limit the usage of your licensed software up to a fixed duration.

License Models

The following types of licenses allow volume-based licensing:

>Trial (standalone, network, and time-tampered)

>Normal (both standalone and network)

NOTE   If license sharing is enabled, then the limits will be treated in cumulative manner for both increment and decrement operations. For example, for a shared license, if user 1 consumes 3 units and user 2 consumes 4 units, then the count will be decremented by 7.

The following type of licenses/features do not support volume-based licensing:

>Commuter license

>Repository license

>Redundant license

>Capacity licenses

Version Limits

Only version 11 (or later) licenses support volume transaction licensing.